
2008-07-30 12:57 am

回答 (1)

2008-08-06 3:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
對不少中國人而言, 答案「是」. 原來中國人的體質與西方人不同, 較多有「乳糖不耐症」 (lactose intolerance), 一般是吃比較軟的乳酪才有這個問題. 如果不能喝牛奶的人, 一般也不能吃新鮮乳酪.此外, 中國人的傳統飲食習慣與西方人不同. 西方人習慣了乳酪這種營養高的食物, 但不吃慣的話, 偶然吃一塊乳酪時或會不適應, 難以消化而引起發脹, 越硬的乳酪越是會這樣.另引英文版的維基資料給你參考:Cultural attitudesAlthough cheese is a vital source of nutrition in many regions of the world, and is extensively consumed in others, its use as a nutritional product is not universal. Cheese is rarely found in East Asian dishes, as lactose intolerance is relatively common in that part of the world and hence dairy products are rare.

2008-08-05 19:07:38 補充:

2008-08-05 19:11:47 補充:
因此, 「受得」與否是因人而異. 如果你沒有吃開, 初想吃時, 就不要吃太多, 如果接受得來, 以後就可吃多一點.

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