去美國( Visa即將到期)

2008-07-30 12:17 am
我個美國visa即將到期(8月中), 我想問咁我仲可唔可以去美國?? Thank you.

回答 (2)

2008-07-30 6:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

Passport 要有半年有效期就 okay.

This time period from the visa issuance date to visa expiration date as shown on the visa, is called visa validity .
The visa validity isthe length of time you are permitted to travel to a port-of-entry inthe United States to request permission of the U.S. immigrationinspector to permit you to enter the U.S. The visa does not guaranteeentry to the U.S.
TheExpiration Date for the visa should not be confused with the authorizedlength of your stay in the U.S., given to you by the U.S. immigrationinspector at port-of-entry, on the Arrival-Departure Record, Form I-94.
2008-07-30 12:43 am

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