about odd number and even number

2008-07-29 11:42 pm
1.What is the sum of odd number and even number? Is it an odd number or a even number?

2.What the sum of any two odd number? Is it an odd number or a even number?

3.What the sum of any two even number? Is it an odd number or a even number?

4.The square root 121 is _________________=_________

5.The square root 361 is _________________=_________

6.The square root 144 is _________________=_________


另外第4-6題只須列式, I hope anyone can help me~

回答 (1)

2008-07-30 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. It is an odd number.
Explanation: Let 2m+1 be an odd no. & 2n be an even no. & x be any real no.
2m+1+2n = 2(m+n) +1 = 2x+1
So it is an odd no.

2. It is an even no. ( Let 個D略寫喇)
2m+1 + 2n+1 = 2(m+n)+2 = 2(m+n+1) = 2x
So it is an even no.

3. It is an even no.
2m + 2n = 2(m+n) = 2x
So it is an even no.

4. The square root 121 is: root(11^2) =11 (sorry 打唔到 Square & square root)
5. The square root 361 is: root (19^2) = 19
6. The square root 144 is: root (12^2) = 12
參考: 自己

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