
2008-07-29 10:11 pm
It has been raining for the whole day. A rectangular tank(volume:10cm×10cm×40cm) as shown below is placed on the ground. Half an hour later,the tank is full of rain.

If the following tanks are placed on the ground at the same time, write down the time required to fill them up in the spaces provided.

Tanks A (volume:10cm×10cm×10cm) ____________
Tanks B (volume:10cm×10cm×20cm) ____________
Tanks C (volume:10cm×10cm×20cm+10cm×10cm×10cm) ____________

回答 (1)

2008-07-29 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As a rectangular tank was full of rain in half an hour:
Volume of tank = 10x10x40 = 4000 cm3
Duration = 0.5 hour
Filling rate = 0.5/4000 = 0.000125 hour/cm3

Tank A:
Volume = 10x10x10 = 1000 cm3
Time required to fill it up at the same time = 1000x0.000125 = 0.125 hour
Ans.: 7.5 min.

Tank B:
Volume = 10x10x20 = 2000 cm3
Time required to fill it up at the same time = 2000x0.000125 = 0.25 hour
Ans.: 15 min.

Tank C:
becasue of the 2 volume of tanks were filled at the same time, the largest volume of tank shall be considered only.
Ans.: 15 min.

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