
2008-07-29 7:27 pm
各位朋友, 最近我在家裡醃製子薑, 美味非常. 但就醃了很多, 現有3大瓶, 但是全家只得我一個吃!!!

故我想要一些子薑食譜(英文) , 給我家菲傭做烹飪用. 希望盡快用完我3大瓶子薑.

回答 (2)

2008-08-07 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Puddings

Ingredients :
1 1/2 cup Chopped peeled fresh ginger root
2 cup Water
2 tbl Lemon juice
3 cup Sugar
1 pkt (3 oz) liquid pectin

Method :
In a large heavy pan, combine ginger, water, and lemon juice. Bring to boiling. Reduce heat and cook until the ginger is tender - about 10 minutes. Stir sugar into ginger mixture. Return to boiling. Add pectin.
Boil rapidly, stirring 1 minute. Remove from heat. Seal in jelly jars per kerr or Ball instructions. Water bath 10 minutes.
Makes 4 - 1 cup jars.
Young ginger or stem ginger shoots are the best for this marmalade. Avoid the large woody roots, or grind them and extract the juice by pouring the water over the ground root in a jelly bag and sqeeze dry. The small pieces of ginger are to be tender. This stores well and works very well on scones.


2. Noodles with young ginger

3. Steamed Shao-Mai Dumplings with Young Ginger

2008-08-07 12:52:57 補充:
4. Fish with young ginger and scallion en papillote

5. Slivered Mutton(lamb) with Yong Ginger Recipe

2008-08-07 12:53:55 補充:
6. fish fillet with spring onion & young ginger

7. Ginger Beef
2008-08-20 12:17 am
I not the english bet I yes the english o.. why?? I not see english book .I like see Chinese book you're sany I ?? now

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