
2008-07-29 3:46 am

回答 (1)

2008-07-29 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 全城關注 --- Everyone pay attention
2. 救護車故障 --- An ambulance break down
3. 怪風暴雨 --- Strange storm rain
4. 行雷落雹 --- Thunder and fall hail
5. 臨時避暑中心 --- Temporary summer vacation centre
6. 積金局 --- Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority(MPFA)
7. 寶石買家 --- A precious stone buyer
8. 綠寶石原生礦 --- Emerald primary ore
9. 擁有權 --- Ownership
10. 市建局 --- Urban Renewal Authority(UNA)
11. 強化措施 --- Strengthened measure
12. 落實活化 --- Carries out the activation
13. 發展期延長 --- Period of expansion extension
14. 長者按平安鐘 --- Elder according to safe clock
15. 中暑不適 --- Heat-stroke ill
16. 國際鋼琴比賽 --- International piano competition
17. 感化令 --- Influence command
18. 刑事恐嚇罪 --- Criminal threat crime
19. 自殺殉情 --- Commit suicide for frustrated love
20. 誤殺罪 --- Manslaughter crime
參考: me(絕不能抄襲)

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