Friend or Crush!! (Part 1)

2008-07-29 12:26 am
In my work place, i met a boy around 21 years old. when i saw him, i had a feeling on him. and then time we didnt talk alot until i switched my shift into nite shift. There was the time i knew him more, he told me he had a gf from other country but everyone know he has a long distance relationship. Last couple months, we know each other alot. we always working, playing or sharing dinner etc. Peoples in my work places are so curious Are we really together? Cause everyone say we look like a couple more than friends.

Two weeks ago, it was my party. i had a tough time to invite him but i did. he showed up, everyne thought he was my bf.


til my friend commented us we looked cute together. i was like "he wasnt my bf, he was only my close friend.. welaughed and played together." He was laughing so hard, for me was kinda embrassed.


when we way out, i told him was a joke. he was kinda little bit upset, he just responed "U already say it, Dont worry about it>.." Next day he got me a favourite present. cause i told him that game was my favourite.


like a regular conversation, and he kept this his mind. Everytime when i needed help, he always showed up and helped me out. he didnt care i used him alot. yesterday he told me, when he moved into SF two years ago,


he never talked to peoples who were born in US, only co-worker and me! And then he said next week we will not see each other alot, cause we willgonna move different shift. He says "I miss u alot, we should go out and have dinner or sth."


I donno what he really try to tell me. everyone say we should go out for dating, the ways we talk, act or physically, we are like the same.


i know i cant tellhim i have a crush on him, the reason is he has a gf in Philipine. But so fur i haven't heard anything about his gf. People think he makes this up but he show the pix he has a gf? at that time i feel little bit hopeless.


he also tells me he never talk to peoples who were born in US, he only talks to his co r0worker and me! What is he really to express what?


yesterday when i drove him back home, he said we will gonna work different shifts. cause one of my friendwill be quit. "I wont see u alot. I miss u.. we should get together or sth.."


i was like "how about lunch?" He was happy! He always help me out, when i used him alot, he never say anything back. He just voluteer to do it. sometime we fed each other food or drinks too.


Peoples think we r really dating? So what dou guys thinks? I do have alot of guy friends, but none of them like him, he listened to me, gave me advice, told me about jokes.


Being around of him make me feel comfortable and happy. Is he just treat me a friend or am i gonna have a chance? i'm really confused!


When he move into a new room, i got him a present. and tell him to open when he got home. He text me back and say "Omg! U got the one exactly what i need.. thank u so much".


i asked him "Did u open the box?" he said "I need towait until i move out!" and this time i feel he is really please what i get him! I love this guy alot!!!

回答 (3)

2008-08-10 6:49 pm
do not mine the people
2008-07-31 1:18 pm
love always make people didn't sleeping and always thinking too much..driving some people to crazy..... .love is natural...Now you may tell him ,say "I love you " tell him.. what 's feeling in your heart? why didn't use your mouth tell him how much"your missing him when you free? how much you love him so much?
2008-07-30 11:49 am

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