
2008-07-28 10:21 pm

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2008-07-28 10:25 pm
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Deadly blasts hit Istanbul
28-07-2008 HKT 04:26

At least 15 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in two explosions in the Turkish city of Istanbul. They occurred in a working class residential district about 10 minutes apart, when the area was packed with people. So far there has been no indication of who was responsible for the blasts. President Abdullah Gul said the attack showed "the ruthlessness of terrorism." After the explosions, there were scenes of panic, with people covered in blood as they tried to run from the scene. TV pictures showed many victims lying on the street and being carried to ambulances in blankets.

India on alert as bombers sought
2008-07-28 HKT 00:55

Cities across India have been on high alert after 17 explosions in Ahmedabad on Saturday. The number of dead rose to 49 as police defused more bombs - two in Ahmedabad, and two in nearby Surat. Police also raided a flat in Mumbai from where they believe an email was sent in which a little-known group, the Indian Mujahadeen, said it carried out the attacks. Troops and riot police have been deployed in Ahmedabad, which has a history of religious violence. The government has appealed for calm.

2008-07-28 14:26:01 補充:

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