usb快閃記憶體(usb手指) 跟本上就係另一類型 hard disk drive 但由於速度不及傳统的 hard disk drive 及容量暫時衹能有 32G , 體型較小, 多數用於儲存資料. 如果它日可以大幅改善快閃記憶體(usb手指)速度和容量, 傳统的 hard disk drive或會被淘汰 , 指日可待吧 !! can..every usb flash memory is just another portable hard disk.
it depends on how you use your usb drive, the size is not an issue/problem for you to use it as a hard disk drive. ie, in the old days( 10 yrs before), we used hard disk size less than 20GB la...