Please help me to write a English passage!(20 marks)

2008-07-28 7:57 pm
Please help me to write a English passage!(20 marks)
Below is the instructions:
Most people believe that the teenage years are at a time when young people are very concerned about looking good. How did you feel about your appearance? What advice would you give to others who feel that they are unattractive?

回答 (1)

2008-07-28 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Everyone of youths are very care about their faces, fashion, what wearing? etc etc., because of peers pleasures, as well The opinions of his peers are more important to him than those of his parents.
Firstly, Think positive!
Anyone can follow a diet or exercise program, but keeping it up is the hardest bit. For long-term health, you need long-term motivation.
Exercise is important for maintaining a healthy body and a healthy mind. It's not always easy to know the best ways to go about it, though — which is where this section comes in handy!

Secondly, the pressure for teens to be slim is enormous — but at what point can a diet become an eating disorder?
Raw food diets have been propounded for a number of years now. and some people swear by them.
Finally, the key to looking good during summer is getting ahead of the game during the months beforehand.
Working out is all very well and good but if you're not doing it properly, you could just be wasting your precious time. So, how can you make sure you use your time to your advantage and make every step and lift count.
Good planning and abounding of confidence are the must materials to help yourself.

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