
2008-07-28 6:46 pm
我一開機就係甘,mouse,keyboard,咩都陏唔倒, 我check左d線.插好唒,冇鬆,除左洗機,糸統還原,仲有咩方法可以整,,入唔倒 windows. thxthx*100000

我冇左保養,我係一開機個mon就寫monitor go to sleeping,我又唔識開機箱,唔識正,唔洗機仲有冇第2d方法,                                                仲有,我有時(只係好小次)會正常番開倒機,但係一陣就無啦啦monitor go to sleeping                         p.s:我成日都一開個mon就顯示mon go to sleeping

回答 (2)

2008-07-28 6:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你咁既情況,就算洗機都未必得,你一定要開機箱,連住hard disk條線既兩個插位(係hard disk同底板,底板個位多數藍色)好多機會插唔實,你要拔左佢再插過!
亦有可能係ram,不過正常ram插唔實個機係會叫,試左hard disk唔得就算ram啦!
參考: 我的知識
2008-07-28 11:03 pm
'monitor go to sleeping'

it normally have nothing to do with hard disk or ram...as when these 2 hardwares have problems, the computer will not even start.

that message shows up on the Monitor, it could means that there is no signal from the computer(CPU). I would suggest you try your computer with another monitor cable(if you are using a LCD monitor), or try with another monitor.

Hope this helps...(sorry..couldn't type chinese)

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