what does underline .........

2008-07-28 1:46 pm
What did underline the vast differences in their interests (in the paragraph below)?

But as negotiators began picking through the finer details on Sunday, the mood began to sour, with a split opening up among emerging nations including India, underlining the vast differences in their interests.

回答 (4)

2008-07-30 4:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
真正 underline 他們利益上的分歧係 "a split opening up ... India"。

其實, 句子中係運用了"with A doing B" 結構的 gerund phrase

I want to finish this job, with all of you helping me.

即是由 all of you (subject) 去幫 me (object)。

情況就一樣啦, 在以下這句
... , with a split opening up among emerging nations including India, underlining the vast differences in their interests.

即是由 "a split opening ..." (subject) 去加深 (underline) 了大家的分歧 "the vast difference ..." (object)。

這樣是否比較容易看得明嗎?! 只不過一句長D, 難睇D, 另一句短D, 易睇D。有時當遇到難題時, 我地可以運用一些簡單, 基本的概念, 去解決問題, 化繁為簡。

2008-07-29 9:41 am

this = splitting opening up ?
2008-07-28 5:10 pm
The splitting opening up among emerging nations including India - this underline the vast differernces in their interests.
參考: Myself
2008-07-28 2:25 pm



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