Do cats need to eat veggies to stay healthy?

2008-07-27 3:41 pm
I saw my cat chewing on some vegetation in my backyard. Was he cleaning his teeth? Or did he need to eat veggies so that he won't get constipated? I fed him scrap meats all the time.

回答 (11)

2008-07-27 3:51 pm
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Cats will eat grass and plants occassionally, but no they don't require it in their diet at all. Sometimes eating plants or grass is a sign of a deficeincy. The scrap meats are good for them. But, they need several vitamins and minerals, especially taurine and calcium, that they won't get from scrap meats alone. A quality wet canned food, like "Wellness" from Complete Petmart, who sells more holistic foods, is ideal. Plus the scraps. Stay away from dry food. It's terrible for cats and causes tons of urinary problems.
But, it's okay for cats to chew on grass and plants. Sometimes it helps with hairballs too.
參考: Student of Holistic Pet Care
2008-07-27 3:44 pm
most animals will eat vegetation, when they are not feeling good.
2008-07-27 3:50 pm
You saw the cat eating grass. they do this occasionally as a sort of tonic.

Cat are carniverous. they do not regularly eat vegitables. However, some of them have strange tastes for tomatoes, melon, some leavy things, bread, peanutbutter, tea. they should not get chocolate, however, as this can cause trouble.

You are feeding what cats like, What is your cat doing outside? It should be safe in the house where it cannot get fleas, parasites, molds and diseases. Not to mention being killed by cars, dogs, kids and vicious people. Of course there is the damage form cat fights as well.
2008-07-27 3:48 pm
cats often do that, it helps digest food. usually catfood has the veggies they need, but they do still eat things like grass or catnip or really any plant they find meets their fancy. its perfectly fine.
2016-05-29 10:40 am
You can buy natural dog and cat food from the pet store. If the label says cat food, any vegetable ingredients should be just fine. Keep in mind that dogs are naturally carnivores and therefore don't actually eat vegetables on their own, though some won't hurt them. A little wet food is okay to give your dog, especially if they aren't eating enough on their own, but more than that is incredibly bad for their teeth. That layer of plaque that you feel when you haven't brushed your teeth in a while? Wet food causes that to build up quickly since it's sticky and dogs don't chew much or ever brush their teeth- it can cause their teeth to rot. Dry food is a much better option.
2008-07-27 4:18 pm
NO cats arent supposed to eat veg my cat doesnt cats are only sopposed to eat meat and cat food n cheese and mine eats ice cream n milk shake but I dont think any other will!!
2008-07-27 3:48 pm
An outdoor cat relies on natural greens to aid his
digestion. Not all cats are plant eaters.
Serving vegetables to your can can provide extra means
of fiber, or extra boosts of easily destroyed vitamins.
2008-07-27 3:50 pm

"Answers from experts as to exactly why cats want to eat grass (or other plants) are given from "unknown" to "your cat may need to vomit" to "boredom." Exactly why your cat may need to vomit is obviously a secret known only to your cat. Perhaps a hair ball that won't come up?"

Hope this helps.
2008-07-27 3:48 pm
They like to eat grass to get more nutrition. You can buy "cat grass" where other seeds are sold if you want them inside.
Both of my first two cats died from Kidney failure. My present one was having kidney trouble last year. I gave it some canned food and the problem went away. I have found out since than that dry cat foods do not have all that is needed in them. So if you are not using canned cat food, it is best to give some. I am now giving mine 1/4th can each day.
2008-07-27 3:49 pm
stop feeding him people food. give him plenty of water, a good dry food. that's all he needs. they eat grass when their stomach is upset.

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