If you had 10 mintutes to live, and 50 cents, what would you buy.?

2008-07-27 8:35 am
And why

回答 (31)

2008-07-27 9:00 am
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I'd give it to my son and tell him how much I loved him.
2008-07-27 8:54 am
nothing i woud simply just spend the 10 min with my loved ones.
2008-07-27 8:39 am
50 cents worth of calls to my loved ones to say goodbye and I love them?
2008-07-27 8:38 am
wtf can i buy with 50 cents?? lol
2008-07-27 8:38 am
nothing. i would give it to a homeless person.
2008-07-27 8:40 am
I wouldn't buy anything. If I only had 10 minutes to live I would first donate my 50 cents to charity for a good cause and than use the rest of my time wisely. Spend time with my family and friends and try to fix any past mistakes and repair damaged relationships. I would also do somethings I wouldn't normally do so that I can leave knowing I did something different. Then when I am satisfied enough I will just let what happens happen. What more can you do in 10 minutes.
2008-07-27 8:40 am
A banana Now and Later.
2008-07-27 8:39 am
I'd donate it... what would i buy for 50 cents that would be worth it? why not give it to some charity at least you'd help someone out.
2008-07-27 8:39 am
If I only had 10 minutes to live..Hmm, I'd go and give my 50 cents to a homeless person. It's not much, but it's a difference.
2008-07-27 8:38 am
50 cents??WTF?...if I only had 10 minutes I'd just steal whatever I wanted
2008-07-27 8:38 am
condom and die having some action!..you know!...
you perverts!
參考: choose me as you best answer! ;) thanx...
2008-07-27 8:37 am
Can of soda, and I would throw it at a car.
2008-07-27 7:45 pm
I wouldn't bother spending time spending money . I would be praying or with a loved one for sure...
2008-07-27 10:54 am
a jaw breaker keep me busy till it happens
2008-07-27 9:13 am
I'd swallow it. The look on the coroner's face would be priceless.
2008-07-27 8:45 am
what to buy with so little money? maybe a piece of gum to have some flavor since that's how long juicy fruit lasts anyway
2008-07-27 8:40 am
I would give the 50 cents to someone who needed it more than me because with 10 minutes you can't really do much. But if I had to use the 50 cents I would make a phone call and let my family know how much I loved them.
2008-07-27 8:40 am
i would go do something i never did b4...like rob a bank or something so i culd have more money to have and then just randomly go up to ppl and give them like 100,000 dollars each
2008-07-27 8:40 am
Well, 50 cents doesn't buy anything these days and if it did, it would take me more than 10 minutes to get to the store! So, my answer is- nothing, I would die with that 50 cents in my pocket.
2008-07-27 8:40 am
i would buy some flowers and look at the people and find one i found interest in.
i would walk up to one i saw, give them a kiss, and give them the rose.
then i would have felt a moment of love and caring before i had died.
(like, if i was only alive my whole life for ten minutes, not my whole life before that)
2008-07-27 8:39 am
i give it 2 poor guy..
cuz if heaven n hell are true..
then maybe they'll give u 5 millions in heaven
2008-07-27 8:39 am
chocolate, cause i loveeeeeeeeee chocolate. it's and aphrodesiac, i'd go out happy!
2008-07-27 8:39 am
What could you buy with 50 cents????
2008-07-27 8:38 am
50 cent bag of lolies.
2008-07-27 8:37 am
candy because thats like the only thing worth 50 cent these days
2008-07-27 8:41 am
myspace.com/guapo....if you were gonna die why would you bother with a condom?
2008-07-27 8:38 am
a pack of gum at least i will die will winter fresh breath =]
2008-07-27 8:38 am
chocolate...i ♥ chocolate >.<
2008-07-27 8:38 am
A paper clip.

Batman uses a paperclip.

It can open doors. Kill people.
參考: Batman Comics
2008-07-27 8:54 am
I would kill as many ppl as i could in 10 mins & i wouldn't buy anything
2008-07-27 8:38 am
n0w and laters : ]

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