已有多年會計經驗的我怎樣用英文寫求職信 十萬火急!!!~~~

2008-07-28 4:43 am
本人曾有3年會計經驗(會計及稅務)之後轉至現工,現工再有4年工作經驗(全盤帳+稅務),現想轉工,如果想寫求職信時想提及我合共有7年工作經驗,應該怎樣寫?是否應提及兩份與我新工有關的經驗呢?可否教教我,假設我想應徵會計文員,用英文應該怎樣寫我的COVER LETTER,CV又怎樣的呢?如果有網站有SAMPLE參考可否提供呢?THX!!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2008-08-06 9:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir,

Application for the position of Account Clerk

I saw your advertisement for the position in South China Morning Post yesterday. I think I have the required qualifications and experience for the position.

My first job was an ________ with ________ Company in year ____. My job duties there include _______.

As I wanted to widen my work knowledge, I left the company in ______ of my own accord.

My second job was _______ with _________ Company in year ____. I carried out all the ____ work including _______.

I would like to enclose my resume and a copy of my qualification documents. I shall be grateful I will be invited to attend an interview at any time convenient to you. Then, I would like to explain more about my experience, qualifications and abilities.

Thank you for your attention.


Yours sincerely,

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