Fujitsu Notebook 一問 (Urgent)

2008-07-27 7:28 pm
我想問2款fujitsu notebook, 邊部好d,我只係用黎做功課,拎出去傾project, 唔知買邊部好,因為我對notebook d specification 唔係太認識, 請幫忙。

1. Fujitsu V1020BU
CPU Intel Pentium Dual Core T2410 (2.0GHz, 533MHz, 1MB L2 Cache)
Chipset Intel GM965
LCD 15.4" WXGA SuperFine TFT
Resolution 1280 x 800
RAM 2GB DDR2 667 MHz (max. 4GB)
Optical drive Dual Layer DVD Super Multi Writer
Graphics Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 (Shared)
Wireless LAN WiFi 802.11 a/b/g
Intel Turbo Memory N/A
Bluetooth Y
Fingerprint N/A
Camera N/A
Card reader SD
Ports USB 2.0 x 3, VGA, LAN
Battery Up to 2.1hrs* (6-cell Li-lon)
OS MS Windows Vista Home Basic Edition (Eng/Trad. Chi)
Dimension 360 x 265 x 42.2 mm
Weight 2.85kg

2. Fujisu V1020WU

CPU Intel Core 2 Duo T5750 (2.0GHz, 667MHz, 2MB L2 Cache)
Chipset Intel GM965
LCD 15.4" WXGA SuperFine TFT
Resolution 1280 x 800
RAM 2GB DDR2 667 MHz (max. 4GB)
Optical drive Dual Layer DVD Super Multi Writer
Graphics Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 (Shared)
Wireless LAN WiFi 802.11 a/b/g
Intel Turbo Memory N/A
Bluetooth Y
Fingerprint N/A
Camera N/A
Card reader SD
Ports USB 2.0 x 3, VGA, LAN
Battery Up to 2.1hrs* (6-cell Li-lon)
OS MS Windows Vista Home Basic Edition (Eng/Trad. Chi or Simp. Chi)
Dimension 360 x 265 x 42.2 mm
Weight 2.85kg

唔該請幫忙解釋哪一部較好? 定還是買另外一些牌子notebook 好?
因為學校有優惠價, V1020BU is around $5000, V1020WU is around $5700, 買邊部好d or 買其他好??? 及抵唔抵買? 請幫忙。Many Thanks!


回答 (1)

2008-07-29 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
V1020BU同V1020WU分別只在於處理器, 相差700蚊, 雖然T5750粒u係好好多, 但係你只係"用黎做功課,拎出去傾project"的話, 咁T2410已經夠用, 仲可以慳700蚊添, 兩款在價錢上都係好抵買, 相信係學生優惠買的吧!! 但係兩款都成2.85kg都幾重下, 若你要拎出街都幾辛苦下, 你可以考慮華碩既eeepc, 重量由唔夠1kg至到1.26kg都有, 細部好多, 仲平過你指嗰兩款, 咁當然佩備既硬件會比較弱, 但係我相信佢都夠你用了, 另外要考慮既地方係個keyboard就唔就手, 越大既keyboard就當然會好打d, 但係你可以另外買多個keyboard喺屋企用, 出街先用內置個keyboard, 你試下問下有無學生優惠, 有的話就更加好了, 而且本身華碩同Fujitsu既notebook都同樣咁出名耐用, 諗諗佢吧!!

請珍惜答問者心血 ,勿隨便取消或棄置問題 ,多謝大家合作 !
參考: me

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