
2008-07-27 6:32 pm
-ing adjectives are used to describe things: 'The lecture was boring.'
-ed adjectives are used to describe our feelings: 'I felt very bored.'
係咪解如果 形容事物就將個 形容詞+ing
如果 形容人就將個 形容詞+ed

重有冇其他解釋 我想知多d ^^

回答 (3)

2008-07-27 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-ing adjectives 不一定用作形容物件,
例如: He is a boring teacher中的 boring, 他是一個令人覺得沈悶的老師。

-ed adjectives 不一定用作形容感受,
例如: educated 解作「受過教育的,有教養的」He is an educated man. 他是一個有教養的人。

其實, 它們的分別係在於

Boring (-ing adjectives) 係主動型式, 令人覺得而沈悶的
Bored (-ed adjectives) 係被動型式, 感到沈悶的

2008-07-27 12:19:26 補充:


Boring (-ing adjectives) 係主動型式, 令人覺得(而)沈悶的
2008-07-27 6:49 pm
形容人唔一定用 +ed 架


"I am bored", 同 "I felt very bored" 意思一樣, 形容我既感受, 覺得好悶

"I am boring", 係形容我個為人, 係一個令人沈悶既人
參考: me
2008-07-27 6:37 pm
Yes, you are right.

I give you one more and easier example as below.

e.g. I am interested in the interesting story.

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