
2008-07-27 6:12 am
1. first, pick the image you'd like to use. i will be using the one above, taken from *yellow-stock's gallery.

2. now duplicate your background layer and set it to screen at 34%.

3. create a new raster layer and fill it with the colour #1490FE. set it to exclusion at 34%.

4. now duplicate your background layer and drag it to the top. set it so soft light at 100%.

回答 (1)

2008-07-28 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 首先, 揀選一幅你喜愛的圖片. 我將會使用以上一張擇自*yellow-stock's gallery的圖片.

2. 現在, 複製你的背景圖層並把它設置到screen(熒幕)34%.

3. 創建一個新的raster(光柵)圖層並用colour(顏色)#1490FE把它填滿. 並把它設置exclusion(排斥)至34%.

4. 現在, 複製你的背景圖層並把它拖曳到最面層, 並設置soft light(柔光)至100%.
參考: 全篇親手翻譯, 唔係用翻譯較件, 一定準確!!(請給我最佳回答^^)

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