
2008-07-27 1:17 am

回答 (3)

2008-07-27 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are referring to Gardasil, then the age group currently approved by the FDA is 9-26. I went to see my doctor last year about the vaccine and she told me the drug company did some studies on women age 27-40's and results were not approved by the FDA. Also, the vaccine only protects against 4 types of HPV that is associated with cervical cancer and genital warts. So even with the vaccine, there is no protection against other strains of HPV.
2008-07-30 9:25 am
加衛苗 9-26歲, 卉妍康 10-25歲
最好打加衛苗, 佢系 4合一, 好過卉妍康 (2合一)
2008-07-27 6:26 am
基本上沒有年齡限制, 重點是有冇感染啦,
無性經驗就一定未感染, 100% 有效,
但有性經驗也未必被感染, 總之打一定好過不打.

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