where can i buy 單親愛?

2008-07-26 9:15 pm
i didn;t go to the 書展 but i reallyt want to buy this book ...please help!!!

回答 (4)

2008-08-01 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案

參考: 星島
2008-07-26 10:04 pm
單親愛只係出左 5000 本,,,
book fair 第2日 己經比d fans賣晒,,,

我見到yahoo 拍賣 有人放,,,
仲係限量400 本有呀 sa親筆簽名,,,
我 bid 緊!!
2008-07-26 9:33 pm
i looked at the news, i thoguht it is all sold out wor..

2008-07-26 14:05:29 補充:
i know ar = = i checked it out but it is soo expensive wor...
2008-07-26 9:18 pm
You can go to Book Fair 2008 in Wan Chai
Also,you will have discount in there to buy this book!
參考: ME!

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