Job interview question, what should I say?

2008-07-26 2:50 pm
The question is " What is your biggest weakness?"

How you going to asnwer it?

Please let me know you opinion!!

回答 (4)

2008-07-26 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案

In order to succeed in an interview, what we do is to sell ourselves to the interviewer. So, answering this type of question, we usually present our strengths as if they are weaknesses. What is bad to you may be good to others (interviewers). For example "I have a very serious working attitude. But sometimes, other people may not really agree with me."

What makes a difference is your presentation --- it's just like 2 sides of the same coin. The result depends on which side you want to show to others. Just try your best to convince the interviewers that you are the right person they are looking for.

2008-07-26 16:39:17 補充:

... we usually present our strengths as if they WERE weaknesses.

are => were 因為係虛擬假設的用法 (subjunctive mood).
2010-06-27 8:18 am
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2008-07-26 3:57 pm
Don't be too honest with your weakness. Say something that can be improved such as you are not good in English but you have already enrolled in some business English course and when it will start and that you are confident that with enough practise and study, your English will soon be improved. Don't say things like lazy, slow, I don't know...........
2008-07-26 3:53 pm


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