
2008-07-26 6:07 am
其中E是能量,m是質量,c是光速(3x108 m/s)。公式說明小小的質量可產生巨大的能量,就像核子反應爐。你能否根據上式填寫下表?
  E(J)     m(g)
a.9x1016       1
b.           2
c.           10

回答 (2)

2008-07-26 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
you sure the unit for mass is (g)???
If yes
b). 1.8 x 10^17
c). 9 x 10^17

The unit for mass should be kg......... if that is a case
just times the answer with 10^-3 (answer x 10^-3)

if the uint is kg, the answer should be:
a). 9 x 10^13 (j)
b). 1.8 x 10^14 (j)
c). 9 x 10^14 (j)
參考: me
2008-07-26 6:11 am
b. 1.8x10^17
c. 9x10^17

參考: 自己

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