quadratic equation

2008-07-26 2:37 am
38. One of the roots of the quadratic equation x^2+px+q=0 is -1√3, where p and q are rational constant.

Question: State the other root of the equation. (Preferably with steps)

回答 (2)

2008-07-26 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
The given root is -1 +sqrt3.
Let the other root be A.
So A + (-1 +sqrt3) = -p which is rational........(1) and
A(-1+sqrt3) = q which is also rational.......(2)
From (1), for p to be rational, A must be of the form k- sqrt3. Substitute into (2),
(k- sqrt3)(-1+sqrt3) = -k - 3 + sqrt3 + ksqrt3 = q.
For q to be rational, sqrt3 + ksqrt3 = 0, therefore, k=-1.
Therefore, the other root is -1-sqrt3.

2008-07-25 22:30:49 補充:
-1-sqrt3 is called the conjugate of -1+sqrt3.
2008-07-26 6:32 am
According to quadratic formula
Since p andq are rational constant,and one of the roots is -1√3,whcih is irrational,so p=0,otherwise,the root may be something plus a irrational number
So √(p^2-4q)]/2=-1√3
So x^2-3=0
x=√3 or x= -√3
the other root of quation is √3
參考: Sorry for my poor english

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