
2008-07-25 9:28 pm
我將讀一間本地學校(band 1)
加國有邊D出名嘅top univ.同埋中學(要出名同 勁),英國又有邊D
可以relax D,
去加國或英國要注意 D what
最好唔好多過50萬喇(by the way,只要讀得好都ok嘅)

咁D中學有邊D係少唐人架?? thx

回答 (3)

2008-07-26 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
個人覺得, 你可於 F.2 轉去國際學校先. 等自己熟習及適應佢地 D 學制先. 另外, 又可學好 D 英文. F.2 / 3 兩年相信都唔錯 ka la. 之後先去外國. 咁樣容易 fit in 好多. 如你係比較獨立既一群. 你更可以考慮係香港讀到 over 16 之去. 因去到個邊可以學車 la ma. 唔會好似冇左雙腳咁 lor.
學習氣氛方面, 一定係加拿大好過英國喇. D 英國人其實都幾種族畸視 ka. 我就係 edmonton 讀書. 我個妹就係英國既 cardiff. 講真大家既開心度/溶入度真係差好遠 lor.
至於選擇城市都好重要. 如果去一 D 比較純樸既城市. 讀書都入腦 D ka. D 同學又清純 D.
U of Edmonton 係加拿大國內數一數二好既 U. 你可上佢地個網址參考下啦. 佢地大到成個區都係 U 既 buildings 黎 ka.

2008-07-30 10:20 am



i hope you will enjoy sharing info in this forum~~~
2008-07-27 1:45 pm
I am studying in Toronto, just finish high school.

Canada in my opinion is better than England.
the people here are easy-going, while British people are hard to communicate. you can expect people in Ca talk slowly and clearly to help your English, while Eng they talk old English which is harder to understand.

In my opinion, and what many people from hong kong do,
Great Lakes Christian College - glcc
It's in a small town, where people mostly Canadian, you might meet 2 or 3 Chinese or Korean and that's all.
It's a private school with residence. It has a very high almost 100% people graduate and get into good university like UOT, UOG etc. I've there for one year.
They are very friendly and kind. I broke a window before so I know - its accident

Other good public schools in Toronto have a lot of Chinese, like mine - which is very suck.

other high school in city of toronto has a lot chinese, they said 70% of people in Toronto are chinese, which is quite true.

Top university
university of Toronto , good in health science and law, like doctor, lawyer
or u of Guelph, good in animal biology, like animal doctor
or u of Mcmaster, good in research, like scientist
or u of Mcgrill, good in statistics, and they wrtie books for school too
or u of Waterloo, good in math, they love math
or u of York, good in business, financial.
or u of Queen, good in politics, most people get into government.
or u of Ryerson, good in technology, computer stuff.
Most good universities are around Toronto, or you can try Columbia in Vancouver etc.

Money now in Canada is rising so much since the cost of oil is increasing.
My friends come to ca 4 years before and change a lot of money from HK dollars, which they got extra pocket money now.

Also unless you rent house and it's close to school, otherwise suggest living in school, for the cost in transportation is 80% of monthly spent.

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