1. Teenagers are exposed to the impact of materialism from the mass media mostly. On their way to pursue material enjoyments, most of them surely feel disppointed, suffer setbacks, and overcome by fate.
-->a. 唔係好明點解係from mass media~而且個mostly又咩意思?好繁複!
-->b. 既然係most of them...點解又會用肯定的surely...好似有d唔match
2. Owing to the widespread of education, youths of today are given more opportunities to study.
-->widespread係adj...可以+the變noun lee個方法咁用?
3. The young and old generations should make compromise.
-->我知道有make a compromise~這句用make compromises會唔會好d?
4. Modern youths always introduce new change to the old generation. However, the old generation, wedded to everything of the past, is hostile to change.
-->lee 2個change~點解唔使+s?
5. It is because of 'free competition' that teenage students have to drill very hard to compete with others for a seat of higher learning, which implies a promising future.
-->我聽過在relative clause +comma應該係專有名詞後or意思指全句~但lee度個意思只係指higher learning...點解要用comma?
6. Tom put the letter in his pocket and walked down the street hurriedly.
-->點解hurriedly唔可以俾in a hurry取代? 佢地既意思唔係一樣?