help me 英文..順序排列

2008-07-24 10:12 pm
1. and Grimace / Ronald's / are / Birdie ,Hamburglar, /friends / . / all / in / McDonaldland / They / .

3. sings / Birdie / beautifully / .

4. drink / likes / milkshake / Grimace / to / much / very / .

5. tie / There / on / are / hamburgers / Hamburglar's / .

6. McDonaldland / one / who / only / is / the / Birdie / can / understand / .


回答 (2)

2008-07-24 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Birdie ,Hamburglar and Grimace are Ronald's friends.
2.They all live in McDonaldland.
3.Birdie sings beautifully.
4.Grimace likes to drink milkshake very much.
5. There are hamburgers on Hamburglar's tie.
6.The only one who can understand McDonaland is Birdie.
參考: me
2008-07-24 10:27 pm
1. Birdie, Hamburglar, and Grimace are Ronald's friends.
2. They all live in McDonaldland.
3. Birdie sings beautifully.
4. Grimace likes to drink milkshake very much.
5. There are hamburgers on Hamburglar's tie.
6. < --- there is something wrong with the words, one can never understand a place unless McDonaldland is a person or something understandable... please check with your teacher.

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