
2008-07-24 8:21 am
do you understand? or
are you understand?

回答 (5)

2008-07-24 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
問人地明唔明白係 = do you understand?
are you understand? – This is wrong. If we use correct grammar, it should be : Are you understanding ? - We do not say this in English and the meaning is wrong too, may be we should say : there is no such saying in English.

2008-07-29 01:35:15 補充:
002 ------- HOW CAN YOU COMPLETE OTHER'S ANSWER BY JUST ADDING A FEW WORDS MORE ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
參考: Myself
2008-08-03 12:30 am
002 you are so doggy I hate you you copy 001 answer and add few word 你唔係人
2008-07-31 3:11 am

002===This is a hateful answer ! I hope you will not cope the other one's answer anymore !
2008-07-29 3:39 pm
002's answer is a copy of 001. By the way, the chinese explanation is confusing.
2008-07-29 6:35 am
問人地明唔明白係 = Do you understand?

Are you understand? – This is wrong. If we use correct grammar, it should be : Are you understanding ? - We do not say this in English and the meaning is wrong too, may be we should say : there is no such saying in English.

Do= 做,幹,製作;實行;完成;解答,算出

Are= (用於第二人稱單複數現在式,第一、三人稱複數現在式)是[L]

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