Qudratic Formula?

2008-07-24 6:02 am
When doing teh Quadratic formula, what happens to the middle number? Say 5x^2+10x+20=0. The result would be (x+10)(x+2)=0 correct? So x = -10,-2 right? What happened to the 10x? Its late at night and I am trying to help a friend out with math. I was doing great on helping, until we got to the quads. I am great at math, but apparently I suck at quardratic formuals. Please also explain in stupid terms, they are the terms I understand the best. Saying quadratic hurts my head.

ha, i wrote it down wrong last night. I was trying to write what was on the paper. But, i get it now. After a little more studying, i think i understand. And any questions i have you people have certainly cleared them up. Thank you all for your help.

回答 (11)

2008-07-24 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, factor out a five: 5(x^2+2x+4)=0 Now factor what is in the parentheses. In your equation, the 10x or whatever number is in the middle, is the sum of the products of the outer numbers and the inner numbers. Remember FOIL? First Outer Inner Last. So lets FOIL whats in parentheses. What can we multiply to get x^2? x *x (x +_ ) (x +_ ) what can we multiply to get 4, and add to get 2? Our signs are + and + so in our factored pair we have to have + and +. There is no two numbers that satisfy this equation so it can not be factored with this method. But hopefully the FOIL thing jogged your memory.
2016-10-14 7:04 pm
a) 4x² - 0x - 121 = 0 (2x + 11)(2x - 11) = 0 x = -5/2 or 5/2. b) 2x² - 3x - 2 = 0. (2x + a million)(x - 2) = 0 x = -a million/2 or 2. c) 15x² - 165x - 630 = 0 x² - 11x - 40 two = 0 (x + 3)(x - 14) = 0 x = -3 or 14. d) 36x² - 60x + 25 = 0. (6x - 5)(6x - 5) = 0. x = 5/6. e) 6x² + 11x - 10 = 0. (3x - 2)(2x + 5) = 0. x = 2/3 or -5/2.
2008-07-24 7:49 am
5x^2 + 10x + 20 = 0
(5x^2 + 10x + 20)/5 = 0/5
x^2 + 2x + 4 = 0
x = [-b ±√(b^2 - 4ac)]/2a

a = 1
b = 2
c = 4

x = [-2 ±√(4 - 16)]/2
x = [-2 ±√-12]/2 (imaginary number)
(no real roots)
2008-07-24 6:19 am
First of all this problem is not solved using the quadratic equation. You had the right idea by factoring but you can simplify it first.

5x² + 10x + 20 = 0

Divide out 5...
x² + 2x + 4 = 0

Now factor (remeber the special factors)

A² + B² = A² + 2AB + B²
A² - B² = A² - 2AB + B²

x² + 2x + 4 = 0
x² + 2x + 2² = 0
(x + 2) ( x + 2) = 0

(x + 2)² = 0

x = - 2

the quadratic formula would have been much harder

ax² + bx + c = 0

x =

- b ± √ (b² - 4 a c)
2008-07-24 6:18 am
To start off, what you're doing is actually factoring. The quadratic formula is: -b +- the square root of: b^2 + -4ac. And then all that divided by 2. Secondly, if you were to factor the equation you have, like what you did, you factored it wrong. (x + 10)(x+2)=x^2 + 12x + 20. Not 5x^2 + 10x + 20. Some equations just cannot be factored, so you would use the quadratic formula in that instance. Follow the formula and you get your two answers.

You were asking what happens to the middle number. When you factor, you always consider both the last, and middle number. You use the multiples of the second coefficient (bx), in this case 10x, and the numbers that add up to the last number, 20. You try to find a pair of numbers that works both ways, for both numbers. So what you do is list all the factors of the middle number (b) you can think of and make sure they add up to equal the sum of the last number (c). Take into consideration your first number (a), for if it's not just 1x, but something like 5x you will have to keep trying and make adjustments. Then check your factoring by multiplying it all out and you should get the same exact equation you started with. Then you solve for both x's.

Hope that's understandable!!
2008-07-24 6:10 am
5x²+10x+20 = 0
x = -1±√3i
2008-07-24 6:09 am
the equation you gave has no solution
2008-07-24 6:07 am
Divide through by 5

x^2+2x+4 = 0

solve using [-b+-sqrt(b²-4ac)]/2a

[-2+-2sqrt(-3)]/2 = -1+2i*sqrt(3) or -1-2i*sqrt(3)

In this case you have two complex solutions
2008-07-24 6:06 am
nope, just plug in the numbers to the quadratic formula.
2008-07-24 6:06 am
when factorring out (x+10 and (x+ 5 u use FOIL which means multiply the first terms, multiply the 2 first terms and 2 last terms and add them, and then multiply the last terms. the middle number comes from the O and the I added together. U factored this wrong i dont think it has a rational solution. u have to use the quadratic formula look it up

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