「a word」解釋「dead(死亡)」一字??

2008-07-24 7:22 am
過往難倒不少考生的文法錯誤解釋部分,今年改為填充形式,但報告指,部分考生仍未能準確指出文法錯誤,如只以「a word」解釋「dead(死亡)」一字,未能指出這是形容詞(adjective)。此外,部分考生被指應考口語時,只懂依稿宣讀,不少人則詞彙貧乏致未能清晰表達意思,或用語欠自然,像作文多於說話。
我唔係好明:[[如只以「a word」解釋「dead(死亡)」一字,未能指出這是形容詞(adjective)。]]呢一句既意思...有人可以話我知嘛?

回答 (3)

2008-07-24 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-07-24 10:54 pm
在法律用詞中, 死亡: dead的解法太多, 除了解為死亡外, 亦可解做: 已廢的,不用的, 無效的,失效的等等, 你可查字典看看.
所以, 很多文書上, 尤其法律用字上, 死亡 a word 是 : DECEASED
因為這字只有一個解釋, 就是死亡或己故
參考: self
2008-07-24 7:50 am
It was either the Education Department or the translator of 《星島日報》's mistake when quoting the term "a word".
The original meaning of "a word" must be referring to the "form of word" of "dead", and the test paper should have stated that the teachers should use only one word as answer. That one word as everyone knows now is - adjective.
I do not beleive the original test paper would be that stupid as to ask the teachers to use "one word" to fill in the blank of "dead".
參考: Myself

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