Ok, it was pretty hard to understand your question, but I think I got it.
Let A B C D E F G be the 7 people, you question is how many groups can be formed by these person given there are n number of people in the group.
If n is 2, then you have:
AB, AC, AD, AE, AF, AG, BC, BD...to EF, EG, FG
and there are 21 unique groups can be formed from this.
Let say we choose any one of these people into a group.
We have 7 people here, so we have 7 choices for the first member of this group.
For the second member of this group, because one of the people on the list has been picked out, there are 6 choices left.
So in total there are 7x6 OR 42 choices to pick our groups. BUT some of these arrangements are the same. For example, we have
BA, BC, BD, BE, BF, BG.....
AB and BA are two arragements that has the same people in it.
In order to elimate the redundant arragements from our result, we need to divide it by the number of ways this arragement can be differed.
That is, in the case of AB and BA, there are only 2 different ways to rearrage this, same applied by BC and CB and others.
So, we have to divide it by our result by 2.
That is: in total there are 7x6/2 OR 21 unique groups if the groups are made up of 2 people.
2008-07-23 19:18:36 補充:
The explanation is a bit long, the rest is saved on this link: