救命呀!!! 女友生日, 諗唔到節目....(罕有地用20點求教)

2008-07-24 1:34 am
仲有兩星期, 女友就生日, 有咩節目可以由朝去到晚呢? 過12點果隻....

我地雙方屋企都有人, 而且佢地無可能會離開俾我地二人世界....

由於我地第2日都唔可以請假唔返工, 所以都無可能去渡假屋之類既地方......

仲有, 由於佢好鍾意行沙灘, 平時總會係無咩事做既時候就陪佢去行, 所以呢個節目都無咩特別......

海洋公園....我地又唔鍾意睇魚, 年紀又唔細, 所以都唔會太玩機動遊戲.......熊貓, 水母果d又已經同佢去睇過........

迪士尼......佢仲去得多過我, 都無咩好玩啦........

唉.....超煩, 仲有咩節目可以令佢又驚喜, 又難忘呢????? 各位唔該幫幫忙, 諗下有咩好做啦......

回答 (4)

2008-07-24 7:55 pm
if for 2 person i will suggest you guys to go to peak or stanley

Peak can have candle night dinner, if u wont mind, lets take the seats without shelter, coz will have more atmosphere, but if u afraid of insects/monsquito then just sit inside the resaturant =]

i will not suggest you to go to "Tai Ping Shan" (the old red house) on the peak, if for western lets go to the Cafe Deco, i been there several times i thought that was good, last weekend been to "Tai Ping Shan" i think the price with the quality of food is over weighted -v-

if indoor, japanese cusine then 巨八日本料理 but the food wasnt taste that nice with the price, however the view is AWESOME !! so it all depends on what are you looking for =]

Stanley, in night time there is a nice place, calm and silence, there are several restaurant u can choose along the main street, actually they r all similar, i have tried 3 of them price and food are similar, so it juz depends on the outfit n style u want =] there has a new pier been built not long ago, so silence and romantic, but i will suggest u to climb over the fence and sit/lean on the rocks along the coast, u can seeing stars and listen to waves at there =] u can prepare wine n snacks to enjoy the moment wid ur gf...

since the next day both of u have to work, i would not suggest u guys to stay in hotel, coz sometimes it doesnt need to xxx to make ur partner feel warm or sweet, juz prepare well and show how much u love her, she will always feel it and feel sweet =]

all the best
參考: self
2008-07-24 1:54 am
sweet sweet
hope can help you
happy birthday
2008-07-24 1:44 am
即日來回 大陸
2008-07-24 1:38 am

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