CE ( Chem) 想拎D,要點?

2008-07-24 1:04 am
我係09考生,我d chem........
我希望(奢望)拎D , 可以點做好?

回答 (2)

2008-07-24 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

操pastpaper, 你睇番00-05年左右D chem pastpaper, 發覺題型變化真係唔大, 每隔3,2年就叫你畫下heating under reflux個圖, 加條送分ge"isotopes"定義,
不過近年多左D同日常生活有關ge問題, 唔再剩係靠背書, luckily 08年CE chem又再次無乜古怪題目, 大部分都係正常題型

補習, 個人覺得補習都幾有用, 補chem我推介英皇samual chong或現代k. kwong, 我以前補開samual chong, notes令+內容齊全, 有教exam skills, 有分析pastpaper,
補習可以做多D exercise同清concepts, 靠D exam skills希望可以拎高D grade

最後of coz要努力D溫書, 專心D上堂啦

2008-07-28 5:24 am
1. Do more exercise in chemistry
2. Do more pastpaper, which can help you to know more about the type of question and the skills in doing those question
3. Have some tutorial class outside may help a bit
4. The most important part I think that is to work hard in the following months

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