PHYSICS (Mechanics)

2008-07-23 11:44 pm
A lift starts from rest to move upwards. The masses of the man inside and the lift are 60kg and 1500kg respectively.

If the tension in the cable is 10000 N, what is the acceleration and the apparent weight of the man?

回答 (2)

2008-07-24 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案




2008-07-24 22:48:37 補充:
The imformation given in this problem are impossible,unless the lift does not start from rest,but start from intial speed
2008-07-24 1:33 am
There is some contradiction in the data in this problem.

A tension of 10 000 N cannot move the man (weight 600 N) and lift (weight 15 000 N) to go upward, as the total weight is already 15 600 N, larger than the tension in the cable.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:29:09
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