
2008-07-23 8:00 pm
本人在旅行時遺下電鬚刨在酒店,現想用英文e-mail 比酒店有無留低咗,可以點比返我呢?thanks

回答 (6)

2008-07-23 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear sir,

I am in urgent need of your help to locate my electric shaver which I lost during my stay in your hotel. I would be grateful if you could do me a favour. If you really find it, could I send someone else to collect it for me? Is an authorization letter required? What is the required procedure? Otherwise, could you send it to me by mail? Would you please reply me about the result and arrangement?

Name: xxxxxxxxxx
Passport number: xxxxxxxxxxx
My check-in date/ time: 18/07/2008/ 11:00 hrs
My check-out date/ time: 21/07/2008/ 17:00 hrs
Room number: 1201 (As far as I can remember, I have used it in the toilet in front of the mirror. It may be somewhere around there)
My lost property: a black electric shaver with a black holder (brand name: xxxxxx)

Thank you very much for your kind assistance!!

Best Regards,

2008-07-23 8:57 pm
Dear sir/ madam,
I seem to have left my razor at your hotel during my stay, please can you check at your end and let me know how I can get it back. Should you need any further info, please feel free to email me.

Here's the details of my stay:
Guest name: xxx
Check-in date: xxx
Check-out date: xxx


2008-07-23 12:57:54 補充:
Brand of the razor: xxx and color
參考: myself, myself
2008-07-23 8:13 pm
I am ( 自己登記入住酒店時用的各字 ).I have stayed in your hotel form ( 入住日期 ) to ( 離開日期 ). I think I left my shaver in there. Do you find it? If you found it, do you keep it? If you did, how can I take it back?
參考: 自己
2008-07-23 8:11 pm
I stayed at your hotel (last week?) and probably left my shaver at the room. Would you please check if the shaver is found? If yes, how can I get it back?

Thank you for your help.


Check-in date: XX July 2008
Check-out date: XX July 2008
Guest Name / Tour group:
Specification of the shaver: (Brand name, colour....)
2008-07-23 8:07 pm
2008-07-23 8:05 pm
On the trip,I lost my a razor at the hotel

2008-07-23 12:06:45 補充:
Can you help me to find?
參考: 我

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