我想話我朋友去了BANGKOK探親, 我幫佢上網搵O下資料叫人帶佢去, 曼谷最多野賣得意O野如公仔等年青東西有邊度有得賣

2008-07-23 8:00 pm
我想話我朋友去了BANGKOK探親, 我幫佢上網搵O下資料叫人帶佢去, 曼谷最多野賣得意O野如公仔等年青東西有邊度有得賣? 同埋有無人知O個頭有無公仔機夾公仔或扭蛋等?

回答 (1)

2008-07-25 8:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The most popular place for shopping will be the Siam area.

The area consit of many big shopping centers such as MBK, Siam Discovery, Siam Paragon. For teenage you would most interested in Siam square, this is a place where all teenagers stay around.

If you are looking for 賣得意O野, I suggest you go to Chatuchak Weekend Market (JJ market), since many thing you found in store can be found in the
market with much cheaper price. (make sure you bargan)

hope this help you

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