
2008-07-23 7:22 pm



回答 (8)

2008-07-23 8:30 pm
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I believe health is the most important thing ever, for without health, we will not survive. Many told me that human living on this world is to wait for death to come. However, the problem is whether we spend our lives splendidly or pessimistically. Therefore, we must treasure life.

Overall, even before or after translating, the passage doesn't link and doesn't make much sense. I suppose you should change it a bit and focus on only one subject? Like, don't talk about health in your first sentence and jump on to how we should spend our time and then suddenly telling us to treasure our lives out of nowhere? Try to improve by focusing on one theme, then it'll make much more sense.
參考: Self.
2008-07-24 12:13 am
I feel that the most important matter is health, because if there is no health, we can't exist in this world.Some people say with me, the life exists in this world and waits for dying, but the problem is the process of life in, live fascinatingly, still keep living pessimismly.

So, we want to cherish life.
2008-07-23 11:36 pm
我覺得最重要的事是健康,因為如果沒有健康,我們就不能生存在這個世界.有些人跟我說,人生生存在這個世界,是等待死亡,但問題是生命的過程裡,是活得精彩,還是活得悲觀.To me, the most important thing is good health. Without good health, we cannot live on. Someone told me that life means "waiting for death". But what matters is the process of life --- whether we lead a wonderful or pessimistic life.
所以,我們要珍惜生命.So, we should cherish our life.

2008-07-23 10:35 pm


I thought that the most important matter is a health, if because does not have the health, we cannot survive in this world. Some people said to me that the life survival in this world, waits for the death, but the question is in the life process, is lives splendidly, lives pessimistically. Therefore, we must treasure the life.
參考: me(絕不能抄襲)
2008-07-23 8:37 pm
The most important thing, I think, is health. Without a healthy body, we cannot live. Some says the purpose of living is waiting to die. But to me, what matters is how we live. Live can be colourful or pessimistic.

Therefore, we have to treasure our lives.
2008-07-23 7:37 pm

I thought that the most important matter is a health, its because unhealthy, that we cannot survive in this world. Some people said to me that the life survival in this world is waiting to die, but the question is in the life process, lives splendidly & lives pessimistically.
2008-07-23 7:32 pm
I thought that the most important matter is a health, its because unhealthy, that we cannot survive in this world. Some people said to me that the life survival in this world is waiting to die, but the question is in the life process, lives splendidly & lives pessimistically.
Therefore, we must treasure our life.
2008-07-23 7:31 pm
I think that the most important thing is our health.If we have no health,we can not stay at this world anymore because we have no life.Some people said to me that we stay at this world..is waiting for die.But the question is in the life process, is lives splendidly, lives pessimistically.

Therefore, we must treasure the life.
I thought that the most important matter is a health, if we does not have the health, we cannot survive in this world. Some people said to me that the life survival in this world, waits for the death, but the question is in the life process, is lives splendidly, lives pessimistically. Therefore, we must treasure the life.

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