questions in appling for the UCAS

2008-07-23 7:43 am
I would like to know whether there are other ways of applying UCAS. Do I have to use the results in my A Level? Are there other things with can replace my A Level results?

Lat say I am a year 1 student in a Hong Kong Uniiversity, can I use my GPA in the first year to apply for UCAS?

回答 (1)

2008-07-23 10:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
obviously you can,
there are options which can allow you to fill in any results you hv got in any examinations, like the Australian Mathematics competition, joint-school singing contest championship,etc. Those uni would consider all of your results instead of focusing on your A Level results only.

Anyway, good luck to you!!!
參考: myself

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