
2008-07-23 5:16 am

回答 (4)

2008-07-23 8:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
I dont know how old you are and what your job is? are you student? ^^

Haha, yes i am going to tell you what you can do during summer.

Maybe you think i am a fool just kidding here with foolish words. But I just want to help you to plan a wonderful and meaningful holidays!!!

For me, when I was a secondary student, I had never thought of how my future would be. So it seems that I had wasted my precious time.

haha, so when I grow up now, I dont wanna waste my time anymore.
The first step I took to get my plan done is......finding out what I need and what I am looking for.......Yep, it's not an esay question. To me, I spend nights and nights to figure it out!!! How about you? my dear!!!!

The first thing I want is to be free, of coz, and there are many weakness i have and there are so many things I need!

As my English is terribly poor, I read books every day. Maybe I shouldnt tell you reading books is fun, but it's true.

There are few books which I highly recommand you to read during summer. (You know, reading is a way to get you outside HK if you dont have enough $$$, of coz I mean mind travelling)

Hey! here we go~
1. Daddy Long legs <--- well written with good phrases, you can feel how excited Judy felt when she knew that she could go where she longed for

2. Life plan <--- life has to be planned!!! see what elements are there~

3. Bible <--- the wisdom book which helps you everyday~

I set a goal for myself this summer again~
besides reading alone, go and visit places where you've never been in HK, taking photo while sun set~ going to beach and listen to roaring waves~ go hiking with someone I dont know~ are there any places outside HK you wanna travel? try plan a wonderful trip for yourself when you have $$$ you can get the trip done!!! help the needy one (like your neighbour)~ thinking about what I will do next year~ going out with family!

words are limited here, I cant continue, hope you know what you want and you wont waste your time! your precious moment!
參考: my heavenly father and Me, thank you for reading!!!
2010-08-02 7:40 am

~拍子 ~閱譜 ~solo技巧 ~即興jam歌 
~保送Rockschool考試 ~流行歌伴奏 
~歌曲實戰 ~音色調教 ~樂隊訓練 ~不同Style的音樂學習 等

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Demo 2

Tel : 98120445 (王生)
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2008-08-01 5:39 am
play computer,msn...
2008-07-23 9:10 am
1) 上暑期班, 學下一些課外活動, 例如日文.
2) 做義工.
3) 游水 行山 跑步 做運動.
4) 圖書館

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