p.6~f.1 既英文...5識ar..幫幫手5該...

2008-07-23 4:18 am
1.to come together in a group(v) 2.the owner of a pet( n) 3.to become widely

known(v) 4.to feel with your hand(v) 5.to make up one's mind(v) 6.very wel

l known(adj) 7.a surrounding mood(n) 8.not formal(adj) 9.every day(adv) 10.

couples in love with each another(n) 11.to make somthing more beautiful by a

dding things to it(v) 12.the clothes worn by actors in a play(n) 13.the symbols

or representations of somthing(n) 14.a practice followed by a group of people

or a region for a long time(n) 15.to make somyhing into the shape of a tube

(v)16.a specialist or an expert in genetics(n) 17.雙胞胎英文 18.to receive(a c

haracteristic)from one's parents(v) 19.a complete list of things(n) 20.the most r

ecent or current(adj) 21.to put your name on an offcial list(v) 22.a competition

(n) 23.fat(adj) 24.people of the same age as u(n) 25.to study or examine somth

ing in detail(v)


回答 (1)

2008-07-23 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.to come together in a group(v) - assamble
2.the owner of a pet( n) - pet owner / master
3.to become widely known(v) - fame
4.to feel with your hand(v) - touch
5.to make up one's mind(v) - decide
6.very well known(adj) - famous
7.a surrounding mood(n) - atmosphere
8.not formal(adj) - informal
9.every day(adv) - daily
10.couples in love with each another(n) - spouse
11.to make somthing more beautiful by adding things to it(v) - decorate
12.the clothes worn by actors in a play(n) - costume
13.the symbols or representations of somthing(n) - logo / signage
14.a practice followed by a group of people or a region for a long time(n) - custom
15.to make somyhing into the shape of a tube (v) - mold (鑄造) / pour (注入)
16.a specialist or an expert in genetics(n) - geneticist
17.雙胞胎英文 - twins
18.to receive(a characteristic)from one's parents(v) - inherit
19.a complete list of things(n) - catalog
20.the most recent or current(adj) - latest
21.to put your name on an offcial list(v) - register
22.a competition(n) - contest
23.fat(adj) - plump
24.people of the same age as u(n) - peer
25.to study or examine somthing in detail(v) - investigate

very interesting exercise
參考: myself

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