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2008-07-22 10:24 pm
Jude Law is probably the sexiest man in Hollywood right now. Women love him. Men love him because they'd love to be him. He's got a beautiful face and piercing (銳利的) blue eyes.

The public would watch as his marriage with actress Sadie Frost fell apart under a blazing (熾烈的) media spotlight. Some say the breaking point of their marriage was when there was a very close call (險遭意外) with their two-year-old daughter Iris.

Arts & Entertainment editor Korin Miller said, "In 2003 that is said to sort of have aggravated (惡化) their marriage a bit. Iris found a tablet (片) of Ecstasy (迷幻藥) on the floor of a children's party, which was held at a nightclub. And she swallowed it."

Iris survives the ordeal (折磨), but the incident put additional pressure on an already strained (緊張的) marriage. And to make matters worse, there were rumours that Jude had been unfaithful (不忠) while filming a movie in Chicago.

It wouldn't be long after his divorce with Sadie that Jude would meet actress Sienna Miller while working on the set of Alfie (《阿飛外傳》).

While Jude's private life cast a gloomy (陰暗的) shadow over him, he would still find a way to reach the pinnacle (頂點) of Hollywood success, because behind those blue eyes stage and film directors alike would find an innate (與生俱來的) drive (魄力) and unparallelled (無比的) intelligence for the performance.

He began acting with the National Youth Music Theatre in 1987. After a few years polishing (磨練) his acting chops (本領), he was getting his first gigs (公演) in television. He was offered his first big job on the UK soap opera (肥皂劇) Families. But Families was universally panned (嚴厲批評) by critics.

Jude's success eventually came. In 1999, Jude was approached by Academy Award-winning director Anthony Minghella. He was cast as Dickie Greenleaf in the film adaptation (改編) of the mystery novel The Talented Mr Ripley (《心計》). He was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

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2008-07-23 12:09 am
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茱迪法律現在大概是最性感的人在好萊塢。 婦女愛他。 人愛他,因為they' 是d的愛他。 He' s得到了一雙美麗的面孔和穿甲(銳利的)蓝眼睛。 公眾會觀看,当他的與女演員Sadie霜的婚姻分開属于一盞燃燒的(熾烈的)媒介聚光燈。 一些說转折点他們的婚姻是有一個非常危急关头(險遭意外)與他們兩歲的女兒虹膜。 藝術& 娛樂編輯Korin米勒說, " 在對类說的2003年加重了(惡化)他們的婚姻位。 虹膜發現了一種片劑(片)銷魂(迷幻藥)在children'的地板上; s聚会,在夜總會举行。 并且她吞下了it." 虹膜生存考驗(折磨),但是事件在已經緊張的(緊張的)婚姻施加另外的压力。 并且使事态更壞,有謠言茱迪是不忠實的(不忠),当攝製一部電影在芝加哥时。 它wouldn' t是長的,在他的與Sadie之後的離婚茱迪會遇見女演員赭色米勒,当研究套Alfie时(《阿飛外傳》)。 当Jude'时; s私人生活投下了在他的陰沉的(陰暗的)阴影,他會發現一個方式到達石峰(頂點)好萊塢成功,因為在那些蓝眼睛之後演出,并且电影导演將發現固有(與生俱來的)驅動(魄力)和表現的空前的(無比的)智力。 在1987年他從全國青年音樂劇院開始行動。 在擦亮(磨練)之後他行動的剁(本領)的几年,他得到他的第一個違規記錄(公演)在電視。 提供了他他的在英國肥皂剧(肥皂劇)家庭的第一個大工作。 但是家庭由評論家普遍地批評(嚴厲批評)。 Jude' s成功最終來了。 在1999年,茱迪由Academy ・ Award-winning安東尼Minghella主任接近。 他扮演作為在影片加工(改編)的Dickie Greenleaf侦探小说有天才的先生Ripley (《心計》)。 他為最佳的配角的奧斯卡被提名了
2008-07-22 11:00 pm
茱迪法律現在大概是最性感的人在好萊塢。 婦女愛他。 人愛他,因為they' 是d的愛他。 He' s得到了一雙美麗的面孔和穿甲(銳利的)蓝眼睛。 公眾會觀看,当他的與女演員Sadie霜的婚姻分開属于一盞燃燒的(熾烈的)媒介聚光燈。 一些說转折点他們的婚姻是有一個非常危急关头(險遭意外)與他們兩歲的女兒虹膜。 藝術& 娛樂編輯Korin米勒說, " 在對类說的2003年加重了(惡化)他們的婚姻位。 虹膜發現了一種片劑(片)銷魂(迷幻藥)在children'的地板上; s聚会,在夜總會举行。 并且她吞下了it." 虹膜生存考驗(折磨),但是事件在已經緊張的(緊張的)婚姻施加另外的压力。 并且使事态更壞,有謠言茱迪是不忠實的(不忠),当攝製一部電影在芝加哥时。 它wouldn' t是長的,在他的與Sadie之後的離婚茱迪會遇見女演員赭色米勒,当研究套Alfie时(《阿飛外傳》)。 当Jude'时; s私人生活投下了在他的陰沉的(陰暗的)阴影,他會發現一個方式到達石峰(頂點)好萊塢成功,因為在那些蓝眼睛之後演出,并且电影导演將發現固有(與生俱來的)驅動(魄力)和表現的空前的(無比的)智力。 在1987年他從全國青年音樂劇院開始行動。 在擦亮(磨練)之後他行動的剁(本領)的几年,他得到他的第一個違規記錄(公演)在電視。 提供了他他的在英國肥皂剧(肥皂劇)家庭的第一個大工作。 但是家庭由評論家普遍地批評(嚴厲批評)。 Jude' s成功最終來了。 在1999年,茱迪由Academy ・ Award-winning安東尼Minghella主任接近。 他扮演作為在影片加工(改編)的Dickie Greenleaf侦探小说有天才的先生Ripley (《心計》)。 他為最佳的配角的奧斯卡被提名了。

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