簡單英語文法 (四)

2008-07-22 7:56 pm
John sent his laptop to repair or
John had sent his laptop to repair ?

Had i met him before or
Have i met him before?

I haven't been here before or
I hadn't been here before or
I hadn't be here before?

Had you ever eat ice-cream before or
Had you ever ate ice-cream before or
Have you ever eat ice-cream before or
Had you ate ice-cream before?

問:Do you want some ice-cream?
I just want to get some?




You said you don't like him, (但妳的行為不能令我相信)用英文表達 The readers are dum - 讀者 Reader 要用眾數嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-07-22 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. John sent his laptop to repair (You just can express 他以前 sent過)
Using present perfect is correct BECAUSE the action connects the past to
the present .
John has sent his laptop to repair = His laptop is being repaired and he
can't use it now .

You can also use a pattern called have something done
John is having his laptop repaired = His laptop is being repaired by others ,
but not himself

2. You should say "Have I met him before ?"
We only use past perfect tense when there is two past actions for us to compare

Ex. When I arrived , the bus had already gone . = I arrived after the bus
We use simple past tense when there is a single action
ex. I was a teacher ten years ago

For your case , we use present perfect tense to talk about experience .

3. I haven't been here before . You can only use past perfect when there are two past actions

4. Do you want some ice-cream?
You may say : Certainly / Of course / Sure .....
參考: my knowledge
2008-07-22 8:12 pm
JOHN的電腦拿了去維修 ((John's PC was taken to repair))

我之前有冇見過佢 ((did i meet him before?))

我之前未黎過依度 ((I never come here before))

你之前有冇食過雪糕? ((didn't you eat ice-cream before?))

問:Do you want some ice-cream?
答:我正想要 (sure)

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