德國 Romantic Road

2008-07-21 9:48 pm
我想到德國 Romantic Road ,如我只stay german3天,如果不買german rail pass, 我預算會去Heidlberg, Rothenberg and Fussen, 是否可以乘旅遊巴前往?, 價錢很貴嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-07-22 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
there is a bus route which runs thru the romantic road. pls see the below web site:



Normally you can start at Frankfurt and end at Munich, or vice versa.

However, Heidelburg is out of the way and you need to take train separately. Although it is not far away from Frankfurt but as you only have three days, you may not have enough time to visit all sites in the romantic road.
2008-07-22 12:02 am
我不太知道, 但我想坐火車比較慳時間, 同時也很方便
參考: 我曾坐火車到過這些地方

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