Simple molecular structure和 Giant Covalent structure 點分? 20分

2008-07-21 9:32 pm

好似 compound OF2....點解係SIMPLE MOLECULES 唔係 Giant covalent?


嘩..兩個講得太好了...實在好想2個都比100分...唯有交比其他人投票吧... 你地2個應該係老師黎吧...多謝你地抽空打咁野比我...

回答 (4)

2008-07-31 9:59 pm
Simple molecular structure和 Giant Covalent structure的分別唔駛講到咁複雜..第3位解答朋友


simple molecular, ionic, covalent 的分別在於bonding性質不同
bonding性質存在不同,應該用該元素的electronic configuration來解除最好

2008-07-22 1:34 am
For Giant Covalent structure , it consist of 2 types in CE level , but in AL ,it has 3 types , they are diamond , graphite and quartz.

Diamond--only contain C atoms , they are held by strong C-C bond
Quartz--contain Si and O atoms, formula is SiO2
Graphite--only contain C atoms , it has strong covalent bond C-C and weak van der waal's force holding between layers

Giant Covalent structure 1) 3 types---diamond , graphite and quartz
2)high mp & bp(for diamond and quartz only)
3) do not conduct e-

For Simple molecular structure , it consist of many compound like OF2 , CO2......i.e .all compound that they are not diamond , graphite , quartz , then this will become the Simple molecular structure
參考: myself
2008-07-21 11:29 pm
I can only type in English.

To solve this, you need to define "molecular structure" first. Molecular structure = the structure between molecules, but not inside each molecule. So, to know the structure ou must not look at what bonds are held between the atoms in a compound/molecule, but instead the bonds held between every molecule.

Simple molecular structures can be found within gases. As you may know, simple molecular structures are weak attractions between molecules. There are no electrons sharing. These weak attractions are: dipole-dipole forces, hydrogen bonds, instantaneous dipole–induced dipole forces and dipole-induced dipole forces.

Covalent bonds are actually very related to ionic bonds which can be told from the electronegativity of atoms.

From my opinion, you have not learnt the above yet. So, if you are interested please let me know, I iwll teach you further about this. Contact: [email protected]

To 分 a simple molecular structure and a giant covalent structure, LOOK AT THE BONDS BETWEEN MOECULES. If the bonds are covalent it is a giant ovalent structure. If the bonds are ionic then it is giant ionic structure. Simple molecular structures are gases in room temperature.

Conclusion, put aside all the words of uncomprehensible, imagine atoms as magnets with different magnetic strength. These forces and structures are actually behaving like magnets. Anyway, I will teach you the rest if you are interested.

2008-07-22 20:09:40 補充:
投票 is not a really good choice since some people usually choose the first answer as they want points. Do you really understand me? If not feel free to ask. Please check your mailbox. I sent you a mail.
參考: Me
2008-07-21 11:06 pm
Up to CE level, examples for giant covalent structure only limits to diamond and silicon dioxide. That means apart from the above mentioned, all other substances can be regarded as having simple molecualr structure.

For diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to 4 other carbon atoms. All the bond in-between the crabon atoms are strong covalent bonds. In this way , carbon atoms are linked together and from a continuous network.

For silicon dioxide , each oxygen atom is boned to 2 other silicon atoms. Bonds holding the atom is covalent bond.

For other substance, each molecule of the substance is held by weak intermolecular force.

PS. Graphite is also an example of giant covalent structure but probably won't appear in the CE as its structure is not yet taught up to this level.

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