
2008-07-21 7:13 pm
T1 . ___of people often walk in ___in the field after supper.
--why the answer Hundreds ;twos and threes need to add 's'?
T2. She is looking after a __
A five- month-old baby B.five -month -old boy C.five- month-old baby
想問何時要加' - ' ,並有怎樣的作用?
T3 .The post office is next to our school .
the similiar meaning of next to is A beside B besides
T4______terrible weather we've been having these days.
答案是what ,但為何不選what a ?
T5 .___picture it is!
答案是How wonderful a ,為何不選How a wonderful?
lf the doctor had not been there yesterday,___babies would have died.
答案是all the poor little ,為何不是the all poor little及all the little poor?
T7.l don;t think l can introduce you to other guests, because l know _of them
答案是few,為何不是a few,多了一個 a 有什麼不同?


回答 (2)

2008-07-21 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
T1 the answer Hundreds ;twos and threes need to add 's'because there's not only one hundred only two or only three, There's actually more than one hundred, more than a group of two or three
T2 usually both answer A or B is acceptable:She is looking after a five month old baby. I think that the hyphens are not necessary
T3 A beside=next to; B besides=on the other hand, Ther meanings are different
T4______terrible weather we've been having these days.
答案是what ,但為何不選what a ? I think if you use what a in this phrase, it sound rather redundent.
T5 ___picture it is!
答案是How wonderful a ,為何不選How a wonderful? I think if you put the word wonderful has more emphasis in this phrase.Actually they are quite similar.
T6 lf the doctor had not been there yesterday,___babies would have died.
答案是all the poor little ,the all poor little doesn't make sense,all the little poor is not appropriate in the order of sentences.

T7.l don;t think l can introduce you to other guests, because l know _of them
答案是few,為何不是a few,多了一個 a sounds redundent.

My secondary school English was graduated from the Cambridge University(UK). I passed English Literature and Obtained grade C in HKCEE English (Syllabus B), TOEIC English Test with 785 marks(990 as full marks)
2008-07-21 9:40 pm
T1 . ___of people often walk in ___in the field after supper.
--why the answer Hundreds ;twos and threes need to add 's'?
錯:只有hundrds of(成千上萬),1,2,3,4,5 thousand

T2. She is looking after a __
A five- month-old baby B.five -month -old boy C.five- month-old baby

T3 .The post office is next to our school .
the similiar meaning of next to is A beside B besides

T4______terrible weather we've been having these days.

T5 .___picture it is!
呢個係強調句式,實際上可以用how a wonderful,佢係咪想話冠詞(a,an,the)一定要喺名詞前面?

T6.lf the doctor had not been there yesterday,___babies would have died.
首先poor形容狀況,little形容大細,所以poor後面先+little, all可以唔+the,但係+就要喺前面,因為冠詞係指示物件,唔可以指all(形容詞)

T7.l don;t think l can introduce you to other guests, because l know _of them
few=少, a few=幾個

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