how can i write this in english?

2008-07-21 11:23 am
份project有68分, 差兩分便是distinction了!

my example:
the project got 68 marks, it is 2 marks toward distinction!

回答 (7)

2008-07-21 11:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
份project有68分, 差兩分便是distinction了!

Please change to :
The project got 68 marks, with 2 marks more I would have got a distinction
參考: Myself
2008-07-22 12:28 am
The project earned 68 points, and two more points would be distinction
2008-07-21 8:12 pm
份project有68分, 差兩分便是distinction了!

the project got 68 marks, it is 2 marks toward distinction!

It is okay, but if you write it this way is better:
The project got 68 points, it is 2 points short of distinction!

1) Usually, we would say points as 分, marks = 解做記號,符號 or 標記多於分數. 沒points 精簡.
2) short of = 短少了...(Mary is 2 months short of 20 (yrs old) = Mary 差兩個月就二十歲
3) toward = 向, 傾向, 接近. 並沒有達到的意思 (差二分便達到distinction)

越講越多, 有點婆媽, 但希望能幫到你.
參考: Own
2008-07-21 6:08 pm
份project有68分, 差兩分便是distinction了!

My project got 68 marks, just 2 marks away from distinction.

由於你係差(2分), 所以用 away from 比較 toward 更好。


My last distinction was in grade 3 piano. My singing exam for grade 4 was 127. 3 marks away from distinction.

2008-07-21 5:30 pm
If two more marks had been gained, I would have got a distinction.

2008-07-21 09:32:33 補充:
份project有68分, 差兩分便是distinction了!

revised as :
My project was at 68 marks. If two more marks had been gained, I would have got a distinction.
2008-07-21 5:10 pm
I got 68 marks for the project, just two marks short of a distinction!
用到 short of,感覺地道自然(唔係廣告
你o個句中,2 marks toward distinction 意思係「向 distinction 近左兩分」,同原意有差距。
2008-07-21 11:49 am
i scored 68 marks for my project, i need another 2 marks in order to get a distinction

上面個句意思係, 我份project 有68分, 我需要多2分就有distinction.

I need 2 more marks for my project in order to achieve distinction which is 70marks and above.

我個人覺得我所打個兩句同你問個句都差唔多, 因為文法問題, 如果照你個句來番, 我會覺得怪怪地 (個tone 怪怪地)

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