what is organizational mission statements? and ...

2008-07-21 10:08 am
Using the mission statements describe what types of corporate-level
and business-level strategies each organization might use to fulfill that
mission statement...... what is the meaning of corporate-level and business-level?

回答 (1)

2008-07-21 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The top management of a company is regarded as corporate level, while business level is related to the operations or the businesses that the company is engaging. For example, the board of directors and executive committee of Hutchison & WP Holdings is referred to as the corporate level of the company, while the Supermarket, Logistics & Wharfs, Real Estate Development are the business level of Hutchison Holdings.
The mission statement of corporate level usually refers to a broader sense of goals and visions which the company would like to achieve, usually in terms of branding status, positioning the market, corporate social responsibility, human capital…
For mission statement of business level, usually the business units will follow the goals of the mission statement of corporate level and formulate its own statement. Say for Park N Shop, mission statement may include being the no. 1 supermarkets in HK, etc.

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