Grammatical Mistake of Journey Through History 3a

2008-07-21 8:19 am
in NEW Journey Through History 3a P.10, it reads 'vicious cycle', but it
ought to be "vicious circle'.

Although this is a very common mistake of Hong Kong English learners,
it is unacceptable that the mistake is found exist in a profound text book, whose publisher has a number of specialised editors and advisors.

Please be acknowledged.

各位人兄, 如果考proofreading時 , 只找到vicious cycle 這個可能錯的字眼,其餘全對, 請立即打「剔」。 hkwaddle小dd, 您的理解能力大有問題,我的原意是「雖然這是香港學習英語的人的常見錯誤,但在一本資深的書內發現這錯誤是難以接受的,因為其出版社有很多學識淵博的編輯和顧問。」

回答 (2)

2008-07-21 5:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你貼出呢段聲明,其實問題係乜?要中譯?定問點解 vicious cycle 唔得?
至於點解唔得?冇得解,因為歷來寫法就係 vicious circle,正統如此。但 cycle 又真係解得通,所以問題就變成「你想跟正統,定係隨便d而冒俾人話你錯之險?」
「 惡性循環」是 vicious circle 還是 vicious cycle ?
Circle 、 cycle 都可以解作「循環」,例如:Going to work, getting home, going to work again ─ ─ it is a tedious circle / cycle (上班、回家、又上班──這沉悶的循環)。四季的循環,也可以叫做 the circle / cycle of the seasons 。
查第六版《牛津高階英文詞典》和第三版《朗文當代高級英文詞典》,都只有 vicious circle 一條。英文學者 Norman Lewis 所著 The New Dictionary of Good English 則 vicious circle 和 vicious cycle 並列,但注明 The correct form is vicious circle(Vicious circle 才是正確寫法)。不過,cycle 既然也可以指「循環」, vicious cycle 一詞沒有理由不可以用, 事實上也和 vicious circle 同樣流行,第四版《朗文當代高級英文詞典》兩詞並錄,視為同義。例如:Poor countries are often caught in a vicious circle / cycle of poverty and debt, which proves almost impossible to break(貧困國家往往陷入貧窮、負債的惡性循環之中,難以自拔)。
2008-07-21 8:46 am
I don't think this is anything wrong with the use of vicious cycle. It basically has the same meaning of a solution of a problem end up feed back to make the problem worst.

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