
2008-07-21 7:32 am
美國人交談/吹水,會唔會有講me is..........

1.me is a good boy
2.me is Americans


回答 (5)

2008-07-21 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不管英國或美國, 都是錯的,
1.me is a good boy
應是: I am a good boy 或 I am a nice guy.

2.me is Americans
應是: I am American 或 I am an American.

沒有 me is 這 version in English.
Me = 我. 如你查字典, 你會見到 me 是受格(詞)的<我>, 例: John is smarter than me.
參考: Own
2008-07-22 7:21 am
hi... never say that. Americans also must not say that too. you should say ...
1. I am a good boy
2. I am an American
hope it can help.
參考: living in USA
2008-07-21 5:12 pm
美國人唔會咁講me is

1.me is a good boy
1. I am a good boy.我係一個乖的孩子.

2.me is Americans
2. I am American.我係美國人. 一個人唔需要(+)s.
The objective case of I, used as a direct or indirect object: They asked me to the party. Give me your hand.
Who's there? ans: "It's me."( informal口語)
I hope this can help you!

參考: myself
2008-07-21 9:30 am
如果係想同美國人交談但又唔係好識英文, 你可以講 :

How are you? I am xxx(你個名) from Hong Kong. May I know you?


你好嗎? 我是在香港的xxx, 我可以認識你嗎?

me is good boy 同 me is Amercans 都文法上唔o岩


1. I am a good boy.
2. Are you American?
2008-07-21 8:06 am
I think you indroduce your self like this way:
I am a good guy(maybe you can use boy,but accturally they did not use
boy= =
I am a American ,but from China.

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