唔該幫我翻譯做英文 20點

2008-07-21 2:51 am
我要sell一對二手襪同一對鞋去澳洲, 唔該幫幫手

我仲有一對襪, 仲好新, 只係著過一次, 隻襪腳底位置印上去果個白色logo甩色, 印左落sell比你果對鞋入面, 所以對鞋入面污糟左少少, 有一達白色既積係到, 但出面睇落好新, 對襪都係好新, 著住果陣唔覺
對襪180hkd sell比你, 唔知你有冇興趣呢?

回答 (3)

2008-07-21 4:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello! I am wondering if you are interested in other products.
I also have a pair of socks in my collection which is very new in the sense that it has only been worn once. There is a white logo printed at the bottom of the pair of socks but the color has come off and is imprinted on the inside of the pair of shoes I sold you. Therefore, the pair of shoes is slightly dirty inside with a white stain. However, it looks brand new outside. The pair of socks is quite new as well and you won't feel anything different when you wear it.
I am willing to sell you the pair of socks at HKD180. Are you interested?

(有冇興趣 = are you interested in......
唔係 do you have interest!!!!)
2008-07-21 3:24 am
Hello! Do not know the other product you have interest? Mao »
I Zhongyou one pair of socks, new Zhonghao, the department had only one position only socks soles of the feet and India boost fruit white color logo rejection, India left off than you sell fruit to shoes to the face, so the shoes of sewage into the left bit worse , A plot of up to both white, but come forward Dila good new for all of the good new socks, Fruit of the RUF no live McGREGOR
180 hkd sell the socks than you, Do not know you are interested in Mao?
2008-07-21 3:09 am
Hello, do you have interest in my other products ? I still have a pair of socks which is 99% new (just worn once). The white logos printed at the bottom of the socks have been pilled off and left little marks on the pair of shoes I sold you. It was just a little white mark which does not affect the outlook of the shoes. The socks are very new too. After you wear it you will not notice it was worn. I can sell the socks to you also at HK$180. Do you have interest ?

2008-07-21 14:13:19 補充:
The white logos printed at the bottom of the socks have (been) pilled off and left little marks on the pair of shoes I sold you.

The word "been" should be deleted from above sentence.
參考: Myself

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