
2008-07-21 2:33 am
見導遊的工作, 請幫忙譯成英文, 非常謝謝大家幫手

1. 因為我想接受新的工作挑戰, 同埋我對導遊的工作有興趣,所以我就車請呢個職位。

2. 我中五畢業, 係XXX中心任職活動幹事已經五年了, 主要的工作係計劃活動, 例如係節日的慶祝活動、會員生日會、各類小組活動等, 每個月都會帶中心的會員去旅行。平時亦都要關心會員, 同佢哋溝通。所以我是一個非常有耐性、有愛心、有責任心的人。

3. 我有良好的英語、普通話和廣東話, 我有良好的溝通技巧, 可以成為遊客們的良好的聆聽者。我係一個有創意、有自信、反應敏捷的人, 在處理突發的情況可以處變不驚。我亦都係一個有理想、獨立、有責任心的人, 相信我會帶俾每一個遊客開心、快樂的旅程。

回答 (1)

2008-07-21 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I apply for this job because I am very interested in the work of a tour guide and I also want to face new challenge in my work.
2. I was a Form 5 graduate and worked for XXX Center as activity organizer for 5 years already. My main work is to plan for activities for the Centre, such as celebration activities for different festivals, birthday parties for the members of the Centre, different types of interest groups, etc. We also have to take our members for picnic every month. This job requires us to be kind-hearted with all members and understand how they feel. Therefore I am a person with care, patience and responsibility.
3. I can speak fluently in English, Cantonese and Putonghua, and I have good communication skills. So I am a good listener to the tourist. Moreover I am very creative, self-confident and a person with quick respond to various circumstances. I can act calmly in case of problems arising unexpectedly. In addition I am a person with ideals and sense of responsibility, and I am very independent. I strongly believe I can bring each tourist a happy and enjoyable journey
參考: Myself

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